Brake Pads Replacement – How to Extend the Life of Your Brakes

The life span of your brake pads can vary significantly depending on the vehicle. For instance, a small car might only require replacement after 80,000 kilometres, while an average family car will need it after 32,000 to 40,000 kilometers. In addition, the size of the vehicle also plays a factor. Keeping the brakes in top condition is essential for a long-term vehicle performance. Fortunately, there are several easy ways to extend the life of your brakes.
Before you decide to change your brake pads, you’ll need the proper tools. You can buy some of these at home, or purchase them from an auto parts store. While some tools may be out of your price range, others can be useful for years and will save you a significant amount in the long run. Investing in some tools up front is often worth it in the long run, especially if you drive a lot.
Most brake systems are electronically governed, and you should get them checked for wear and tear every ten thousand miles or so. In addition, you should pay special attention to the warning lights on your dashboard to see if they need replacement. If you see one, you should schedule an appointment to have them checked as soon as possible. In addition to checking the brake pads, you should also check the brake fluid in your vehicle. If it’s low, this is a sign that it’s time for brake service.
The price of your Brake Pads Replacement depends largely on the components used. Cheap brake pads and rotors can make your repairs look like a bargain. Always ask for brand-name components. Most service centers can provide you with this information over the phone. And remember to be patient and careful to get the job done right the first time. If you’re worried about cost, call ahead and shop around. If you’re worried about quality, make sure you check before you pay.
Changing the brake pads is an easy and convenient way to save money, but if you’re not sure about your own abilities, you can call a professional to help you. The process of changing brake pads is generally quite simple, and you can do it yourself with basic tools. However, if your car doesn’t have electronic parking brakes, you’ll need to use a diagnostic tool to push back the pistons.
Once you’ve removed the bottom bolt, you can remove the caliper. It should be positioned over the lug bolts at 12 o’clock, so you can get to it more easily. Then, tighten the C-clamp to push down the piston and push the caliper back into the rotor. Replace the wheels and reinstall the caliper. Once the caliper is back in the vehicle, it’s time to install the new brake pads.
Brake pads are a vital part of your vehicle’s braking system. The friction material between the brake pads and the brake rotor will stop your car’s wheels from spinning. When your brake pads wear out, they squeak, grind, and make your brake pedal feel spongy. If you don’t want to spend a fortune on new brake pads, check them out yourself. A few hours of work will pay off in the long run.